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In theory, every home is a Feng Shui home - it is only a matter of how good the Feng Shui is. A poor Feng Shui home attracts only low vibrational energies. A good Feng Shui home makes you thrive.




Residential Feng Shui Consulting 

*Projects that require out of town travel will be based on hourly rate plus travel time.


In Feng Shui, we believe everything surrounding us carries energy. It includes the nature, our outdoor environment, our indoor space, our furniture and our belongings. When these energies interact with Qi, they create chemical reactions and magnetic fields that can be positive or negative.

While you are intentionally cutting out low-vibrational people, places and things that drain your energy, it works best if you also minimize negative energies in your living environment. Aligning your home with your high-vibrational self could help you access a more prosperous life.

Feng Shui takes time and work. If you have limited budget and can only work on certain areas or rooms instead of the entire property, this service type is for you.

Residential Feng Shui Comprehensive Analysis for Entire Property 

*Projects that require out of town travel will be based on square footage fee plus expenses.
This in-depth analysis evaluates all Feng Shui aspects using Flying Star (Xuan Kong method). 

Through the completed Xuan Kong chart, we could determine which house type it belongs to and then implement remedies based on the current twenty-year cycle at the time of reading. 


House Type A: Wang Shan, Wang Shui (Good for People, Good for Money)

House Type B: Double Sitting (Good for People, Not Good for Money)

House Type C: Double Facing (Good for Money, Not Good for People)

House Type D: Reversed (Not Good for Money, Not Good for People)

House Type E: Locked (People and Money Qi is restricted for a certain time period)

The orientation of the house affects the Qi dispersion with the house. With Luopan reading, we could determine which of the 24 directions the house sits. From this, we could accurately determine the "Feng Shui Blueprint" of the house.


Flying Star more accurately maps the Qi of a property. To map the Qi that was captured in a house at the time when it was built, we "float" the numbers of the trigrams to determine the energy blueprint. By overlaying this Qi blueprint on a floor plan, we can see what remedies might be necessary to bring a space into balance. The Qi in a house can affect the occupants differently based on their birth information.

This consultation is intended to examine the effect of time on the house Qi and how to create a balance between multiple number systems. The remedies are from the Five Elements - Fire, Earth, Metal, Water, Wood.

a) For Existing Residential


  • Process payment based on the property's total square footage

  • Email us all info needed (as listed below)

  • Schedule an appointment to meet on-site 

  • Walk through and around the property, we will examine the room structure and shape, windows, doors, and clutter to see how the Qi flows through the home. We also observe the overall Yin and Yang of the home and the individual rooms, and the balance of the Five Elements.

  • In order to capture all the nuances of the space, photo taking is necessary.

  • Depending on the project, it might require multiple visits and each visit takes up to 3 hours

  • A written report of the analysis to be emailed 15-20 business days after the first visit

  • Architectural Assessment

  • Environmental Assessment

  • Flying Star analysis

  • Floor plan and site evaluation

  • Personal Trigram of primary occupants (up to 2)

  • Compatibility evaluation based on Personal Trigram (up to 2 primary occupants)

  • Photos of different areas of the property and the surrounding environment with notes that describe the changes to be made (Key locations: entry, kitchen, living room, dining room, master bedroom, home office, children's bedroom​)


  • Full address of the property

  • Detailed floor plan

  • Changes (if any) in the house since moving in that may not be shown on an older floor plan

  • Year of construction

  • Year of reconstruction or additions (if any)

  • Move in date

  • Events or issues since living in

  • Which entrance is used

  • If there is a home office, where?

  • Occupations

  • Money flow 

  • Health issues

  • Birthdates of the primary occupants (up to 2)

  • Email address for receiving the analysis

b) For New Construction


  • Process payment based on the property's total square footage

  • Email us all info needed (as listed below)

  • Schedule an appointment to meet on-site 

  • Walk around the lot / land

  • Depending on the project, the whole visit will take up to 2 hours

  • A written report of the analysis to be emailed 15-20 business days after the visit

  • Environmental Assessment

  • Flying Star analysis

  • Site evaluation

  • Recommendation for allocation of rooms

  • Recommendation for location of the entry


  • Full address of the property

  • Planned construction date

  • Birthdates of the primary occupants (up to 2)

  • Occupations

  • Email address for receiving the analysis


  • Email us the floor plan draft

  • Recommendation for location of windows and doors

  • Recommendation for placement of main furniture

  • Recommendation for house exterior color and room colors



  • Floor plan draft


  • Email us the final floor plan

  • Recommendation for adjustments (if needed)



  • Final floor plan

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