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Feng Shui Consultant Naples Florida Jun Feng Shui

In Dec 2020, when I got my WSET Level 3 Award in Wines qualification, it was one of the greatest breakthroughs of my life. I still remember those days when I traveled to Miami back and forth for classes and all the prestigious Bordeaux that I had to spit out. It is also worth to mention that I had learnt driving and got my driver license only a few months before.

After that, it would be the May 11 event at FineMark. I have transformed.

Except all the supports from my Heavenly Father, family and friends, practicing Feng Shui in my own living environment has been a big part of it too.

"Why am I so scared of public speaking"? I have been trying hard to identify my core issue. I look deep in and around my home looking for an answer.

I hoard. Hoarding communicates to our subconscious that we are in need, a message that can become a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Fear of uncertainty. I am battling a fear of the unknown - I think I know what it is now.

To tackle this, I take the exercise of releasing. When I give items away, I visually attach my fear to the objects that I am letting go.

The next event I will do better!


Feng Shui Practitioner

Founder of Jun Feng Shui

May 22, 2023 in Naples, Florida

☯️ Feng Shui is an art of living in harmony with our environment. Modern, contemporary or mediterranean, no matter which style your home is, the concept of Feng Shui can be implemented. Integrate Feng Shui into your home designs to enhance health, happiness and prosperity.

Feng Shui Consultant Naples Florida Jun Feng Shui

We've heard so much about "Bathrooms are bad energy...bathrooms are negative..." Just because bathrooms relate to waste and draining energy, they deserve to have such "bad reputation"?

In our body, our large intestine is full of sh*t. Is it bad?

Although toilets and sinks carry draining energies, we also cleanse and prepare ourselves in our bathroom every single morning before we face the world. Thinking this way, do bathrooms deserve a little bit more of appreciation?

In Yang, there is always Yin. In Yin, there is always Yang.

In Traditional Chinese Feng Shui, it is about BALANCE. It is about positioning the right object in the right place at the right time. When there is an excess of certain element, you drain it. When there is an insufficiency, you add.

No elements are "bad".

☯️ Feng Shui is an art of living in harmony with our environment. Modern, contemporary or mediterranean, no matter which style your home is, the concept of Feng Shui can be implemented. Integrate Feng Shui into your home designs to enhance health, happiness and prosperity.

Feng Shui Consultant Naples Florida Jun Feng Shui

For a study that has been developed for more than three thousand years, do you really believe you could achieve good Feng Shui for your home in just 9 steps?

Hope you don’t.

Do not get discouraged though. Even you don’t know much about Feng Shui, the good news is that Feng Shui also has a lot to do with intuition and common sense. Here are some suggestions and hope you find them helpful as a starting point:

1. Start from being aware that our living environment can directly affect us.

2. Acknowledge that everything surrounding us carries energy.

3. Think about your decisions rather than making them without thought.

4. Let go of objects that do not support your goal of creating a harmonious home that only comforts, supports, heals and inspires.

5. Be mindful. Be observant. Stay connected with your home.

Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.

☯️ Feng Shui is an art of living in harmony with our environment. Modern, contemporary or mediterranean, no matter which style your home is, the concept of Feng Shui can be implemented. Integrate Feng Shui into your home designs to enhance health, happiness and prosperity.

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